
UVU seeks to provide a strong and independent voice. We also seek to provide advocacy for individuals and other organizations. Speaking out on issues we face as a community and business matters that impact the lives of citizens living and working in Odessa and Ector County. We will also pursue to influence outcomes — including public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions — that directly affect people’s current lives.


September 13, 2015
  • About the Día de los Héroes Veteran Tribute - Dia de los Heroes (Heroes Day) Veteran Tribute started in 2011. Part of Hispanic Heritage Month, the event has pride itself in honoring America’s heroes, both past and present. What makes the event special are the symbolic ceremonies that take place during the event. Those ceremonies include the posting of the colors, the national anthem, the laying of the wreath, the 21 gun salute, the drum cadence, the playing of taps and the balloon release. But what makes the event stand out is the roll call and the honor roll. Continue Reading.
January 10, 2015
  • Homebound - a film by Fanny Véliz - "We must on our own accord prove we can handle the entertainment business by demanding what we want to see. Obviously we want to see Chicanos and Latinos starring in movies, and as such we should begin right here within our own communities at a grass roots level. We have the numbers and should have the ability to create our own network that will promote independent movies like Homebound." - DeeDee Blase Continue Reading.
November 11, 2014
  • Veteran's Day Reflection/Honor, Respect, Justice Denied - Today, as I reflect on Veteran's Day, I can't help but think about some new friends I made this year. These men served their country, sacrificed and fought for our freedom. These men are proud and faithful to the United States of American and will defend her again if called upon. Continue Reading.
October 15, 2014
  • Día de los Héroes / UVU Veterans Tribute - This was UVU's 4th Veteran Tribute. This year special acknowledgement to the Herrera Family. Coined after Día de los Niños Héroes, where 6 teenage Mexican Cadets perished defending their school during the Mexican-American War. We take this opportunity to recognize all veterans past and present. Continue Reading.
