Civic Participation
UVU believes in getting people engaged in active citizenship. Being part of a community has its responsibilities. Understanding public policy making, community issues, and social concerns and having the ability to take action by advocating or participating in the electoral process is what we call Civic Participation.
April 25, 2015
- ECISD School Board Election Information- ECISD Board of Trustee Position 1 - Early Voting dates and Election location information. Continue Reading
April 22, 2015
- UVU recommends Arlo Chavira- ECISD Board of Trustee Position 1 - ECISD Board of Trustees needs a person that understands the needs of parents and students residing in District 1. Chavira also shows a willingness to work with . Continue Reading
April 13, 2015
- 2015 UVU Debate - ECISD Board of Trustee Position 1 - UVU has been hosting non-partisan Forums and Debates for local candidates since 2010. All candidates are invited. This year's candidates: Arlo Chavira and Carol Gregg. Images from Forum here.
November 5, 2014
- Analysis - UVU has been analyzing local elections since 2012. The importance of a thorough analysis helps us understand the electorate and target our outreach with information. Some early election results. [here]
November 4, 2014
- ELECTION DAY! - UVU Chairman Art Leal encourages the community to get out and vote. Voting in the Mid Term Elections is of great importance and we need everyone to exercise their right. Listen to Art's Election day message. Election Day message
February 18, 2014
- 2014 UVU JOINT PRIMARY CANDIDATE FORUM - UVU has been hosting non-partisan Forums and Debates for local candidates since 2010. All candidates are invited. This year's candidates: Brooks Landgraf, Austin Keith, Joanna Davenport-Littleton, Eddie Spivey. Images from Forum here.
December 30, 2013
- LPFM Radio Station - 106.1 MHZ - We are very excited to announce that we are one step closer to a LPFM Radio Station. Our application #197094 has been received by the FCC and they will begin reviewing January 2014. What this means, once approved, is that we will begin to broadcast our progressive message to Odessa Texas. Stay tuned for updates. Read more about LPFM stations here Continue Reading
August 4, 2012
- Latinos for Obama Event - On August 4th UVU organized a small group of Odessans in support of President Obama. The very next day, Conservative radio talk show host Stan Galarza chastised them, and said we lacked the numbers to be a success. Little did he and others know, that on Nov 6th, we had 60,347,379 standing behind us. Continue Reading