Homebound - a film by Fanny Véliz

UPDATE!! 5/29/2015

The heart warming film by award winning filmmaker Fanny Veliz is finally receiving a digital release. It will be available on itunes, Amazon instant video, Google Play, and Indieflix on June 10th.

Right on time for Father's day.

Trailer: Here

Update!! 2/5/2015

Homebound showing sold out!!! Thank you to everyone for supporting this film!!!

"Sometimes returning to your past can lead to your future"

How many times have we watched a family movie and asked ourselves why we don't see more movies with Hispanic actors directed and produced by Hispanics? The truth is that it is up to us to bring Hispanic film to the forefront in our communities. These movies are happening but they are not reaching our theaters. Help us advocate for Hispanic film. Start by reserving your tickets for the one time showing of Homebound in Odessa TX. Can we get 85 individuals who support the cause for Hispanic film to reserve their seat? Let's make this happen!

Click on the link to get your tickets and learn more about Homebound.

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